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AQHBA 2010 Winter Circuit
1/16/2010 - 1/17/2010
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Barrels, Saturday
Calf Roping, Saturday
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Andrew Waters
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Benji Baker
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Bill Kyle
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Casey Pace
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Chele Murrell
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Cody Crider
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Cory Timberlake
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Dan Osterman
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Danny Moore
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Denise Bendele
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Don Perkins
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Doug Ochodnicky
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Hanna Holsey
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Helen Osterman
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Holly Holsey
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Jim Watts
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Jimmie Ploch
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Joe Brown, Jr.
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Judson Baker
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Kim Bishop
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Kim McCarty
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Kimberly Nelson
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Kristal Eaker
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Kyle Farris
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Lee Holsey
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Mike McCarty
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Mike Timberlake
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Mitch Farris
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Nick
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Noe Silva
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Rick Martinez
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Robert Summers
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Sean Brown
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Shelly Logan
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Tawnee Blomberg
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Terry Blomberg
Cutting by Exhibitor \ Tracy Farris
Team Roping \ Heading, Saturday
Team Roping \ Heading, Sunday
Team Roping \ Heeling, Saturday
Team Roping \ Heeling, Sunday
WCH by Exhibitor \ Chele Murrell
WCH by Exhibitor \ Judy Fortenberry
WCH by Exhibitor \ Kim Bishop
WCH by Exhibitor \ Pete Hunt
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